
Entry 1

My hobby is drawing, every time I saw something that I like and giving me inspiration, I will draw it.  I neglected my day job since it doesn't give me satisfaction. But my family thought that drawing things won't make any money. so they scolded me a lot.  This time, I felt frustrated enough that I felt that I should take a walk outside. so I opened my window to see the weather outside. The weather was clear, so I psyched myself and wear my jacket. There, in front of the door I stopped 'maybe next day?' I thought.  I was already wearing my jacket, and I was outside my home. Going back would felt like 'such a waste'. Then I walked without destination, seeing everybody mingling and have a good life. What a find! There was a Notice Board full of opportunity just standing there on the corner of The Square. Let's take a peek on what other people needs. OOC Post : Why make a normal blog when I could pretend as a fantasy chara
Shawqi's Journal